One Piece is an anime Where the protagonist Monkey D. Luffy Starts a Journey to become the Pirate King (the one who has Everything in this World) but there is a great Era of Piracy and there are countless of Enemies from both sides the Marines and The other Pirates. He and his Nakama (Friends) won't give up on their Dreams.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Mugiwara Changes with the years.
Here are the changes of The Mugiwara Crew from 1997-2012. And how some other main Characters of One Piece have changed. This is Very Big Image open it to see Clearly.
Yes of course, but I think in the last years One piece drawing all her characters with similar faces. This is confusing ..... thanks for the info, visit ya
Yes of course, but I think in the last years One piece drawing all her characters with similar faces. This is confusing ..... thanks for the info, visit ya